Friday, August 28, 2009

He's Here!!!!

This post is a little late...8 weeks late, but we have been pretty busy getting to know our little boy. He is such a awesome baby, we couldn't be happier.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

38 Weeks (10 Days until our Due Date)

With 10 days until our due date we are getting pretty anxious. So far I am not dilated, so the doctor is guessing that the baby might come a little late. As of today the doctor said that the baby is about 7 1/2 lbs. He is going to be a big boy!

Monday, May 25, 2009


We have been spending alot of our free time getting the nursery ready in case the baby comes early. You don't realize all the little things that need to get done before the baby comes. We are glad that we have my mom to help. We have been getting all the clothes, blankets, and bedding washed. We have also been stocking up on diapers and wipes. The room is almost finished. The last thing I want to do is paint something on the wall behind the crib. Hopefully I will get that done next weekend.

Baby Shower

We had such a great time at our baby shower. It was great to be surrounded by family and friends. We got a ton of goodies for Jackson! We are so thankful to everyone. We are starting to get pretty anxious now that we only have 5 weeks left.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

32 Weeks (8 weeks to go)

We can't believe that we only have 8 more weeks until we get to meet our baby. We are so excited. We have been taking our childbirth prep classes, and we have learned a lot! Some of the info has definitely made me more nervous about the delivery, but I am glad we know what to expect.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Belly at 26 Weeks

It seems like my belly popped out overnight. One day I could button my jeans and the next I was in maternity jeans.

Babymoon in Seattle

My parents were nice enough to let us use a credit for Alaska airlines that was going to expire. So Jake and I decided to use this opportunity to go somewhere that we have never gone before...Seattle. We spent the weekend there and had a great time. We were really lucky with the weather, and we only got a little rain and a little snow. We did a ton of walking and eating :) Seattle has so many awesome restaurants that were in walking distance from our hotel. We took the underground tour and learned a lot about the history of Seattle. I would suggest this tour to anyone. It was really interesting and the tour guide was hilarious. It was really nice to get away, beause who knows when we are going to be able to get another weekend alone after the baby comes.